As psychic practitioners, we desire to be valued and respected for offering a legitimate service utilizing a proven and verifiable skill, but are we doing our part to help support that outcome?
Despite the fact that mainstream society still doesn’t readily accept the validity of Psi-functioning, there are numerous scientists and respected organizations working with the awareness that it does exist – even if they can’t explain exactly how or why. I am thrilled to know that these scholarly individuals are searching for the truth about consciousness, our human potential, and the possibility of survival after death. There’s still a huge problem though and that is the gap that exists between the scientific community that embraces psi and those who utilize it in their daily lives.
When science makes a discovery and creates a system that allows mankind to take advantage of that discovery, society embraces the new system and everybody wins. For example, as science began to understand quantum mechanics, the possibility of micro-computers became a reality. Unfortunately, when it comes to the discovery and understanding of psi, the system being affected isn’t one of technology but rather one of humanity. It is the person that is affected by the discovery of psi. We are the micro-computer!
For those who are utilizing psi in one form or another, we are working in what I call “the psychic trenches.” It is here where the real battle is being fought. Scientists can study but what are they studying? They are studying people – those who have the ability. They are also studying stories and experiences and trying to find ways to put those experiences to some scientific method, something that just isn’t easy to do.
We need scientific discovery to let us know what is valid and true, but at the heart of the psychic battle lies the need for human subjects – those who successfully develop, demonstrate, and utilize psi.
If this battle for the legitimacy of psi abilities is to be won, not just for us but for humanity, then it’s going to be done by those who are bravely working in the trenches. It will be won by those who dare to use their psi gifts to their fullest extent or talk about their psi-related experiences. It will be won by those who clearly can convey facts and evidence that supports their psi. It will be won by those who dare to share those abilities with the world and to those closest to them. It will be won by those who face both scientific critics and religious critics. It will be won by the honing of skill and the bravery to exhibit that skill despite ridicule, fear, judgment, and sometimes personal rejection, attacks, and social isolation.
On the other hand, those who possess and utilize psi abilities will not win the war alone. We need science and science needs us. Together, we can be an unstoppable force. We are a team that needs to support one another. This means that Intuitive practitioners of all types need to gain some knowledge and education about the science of their craft, not just their own personal assumptions for how things work. Likewise, science must begin to embrace the practitioners and to understand their abilities & experiences, listening to their perspectives without criticism or condemnation.
Thankfully, Parapsychology is all about this symbiotic relationship. While other sciences are not about this symbiosis, many however are starting to explore ‘consciousness’ and some of its related experiences. Some of these come close to dealing on psi topics without actually identifying with them as such.
If you have psi functioning and have had psi experiences, then please know they are a natural part of your human consciousness, and in my opinion, of your soul. There is nothing to fear, only the realization that you are more than your body and therefore capable of far more than you realize.
If you decide to embrace your psi abilities, then please do so ethically, responsibly, and intelligently. There is no governing body for psychic practitioners, so anyone can call themselves as such. In this regard, we must monitor ourselves and give our best efforts in proving to others that what we do is real, valid, and worth fighting for.
Cheers & Wellness,
Photo Courtesy of Unspalsh
Photographer David Mark