Like most of what I share, this lesson came from Spirit. But unlike most of my daily lessons, this one moved me so deeply that I wanted to give it more of a presence than some quick social media blurb. Let’s look at the message and then explore its greater meaning.
“Some people grow food, so you don’t have to. Some people go to battle, so you don’t have to. Some people heal your family & friends, so you don’t have to. Some people haul away your trash, so you don’t have to. Some people pray for the world, so you don’t have to. But what is it that YOU are to do so that others don’t have to? This is your call to service. It is not something for you or your family but for humanity. When you fulfill this service, you are in God’s grace. So ask yourself, what are you being asked to do – so that others don’t have to.”
Upon hearing this I was moved to the depths of my being. When I receive these types of messages from Spirit, they come with a great deal of emotional impact. It’s just not the same as simply reading it or hearing it. This is why it is ideal for everyone to develop their own Intuitive & spiritual connections – so that you can understand not just the meaning of what’s being shared, but also to truly feel it at the core of your being. This intimate personal experience actually helps you to integrate the knowledge as opposed to simply gaining it from the outside in. And so when I received this message, it came with a deep booming intensity that left a real impact.
So what do we need to really gain from this simple yet powerful lesson?
First, every day we often take for granted what others do for us. Sure, they do it because they have a J-O-B and need to feed their family, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are still doing something for YOU so that YOU don’t have to. Food, trash, security, health, water, power, construction, truckers, nurses, fire, police, soldiers, teachers, priests, and so on. I think we all know this, and as of late we’ve certainly come to a far greater understanding of just how many heroes we have in the world who do things so that, ‘we don’t have to!’ For example, the nurses & doctors during COVID, the truckers shipping goods and standing up against mandates, as well as all of those other people who came to work every day despite what was happening in the world around them.
This service of others, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, is worthy of our kindness, respect, and gratitude. This was the first thing I could feel within this message. It was to be KIND to others who serve us, in whatever capacity they are serving, and to see that what they do is actually so ‘we don’t have to.’ Remember, we are not OWED these services, and if at any time the people providing them decide to stop doing so, then we would no longer have what they provide. You would have to do it yourself! Think you’re busy now, what would life be like if you had to grow your own food, take care of your own trash, create your own power, build and repair your home and vehicles, make your own clothes, etc.
The next thing I understood from this lesson was that having a job doesn’t mean you are really giving service. Ok, so yes, people who have a job are giving us a service and so we need to be kind and thankful for that. However, how many people do their job from a place of service? How many of us have the mindset that our job is actually our service to humanity? I know I can go into a store right now and find just about everyone in there who would rather be somewhere else and doing something else, so I’m not so sure what they do in their mind is service. It’s a J-O-B. These are NOT the same thing!
Now, pointing this out is not meant to be judgmental or harsh. We’re advised to still be kind and to thank people for the service they give no matter how they might feel about what they’re doing. It’s how WE feel about it and our kindness to others that matters. But this lesson is also meant for us to look at ourselves and ask if we view our current job as a service or just the J-O-B. Can we make the shift in our hearts and minds, even if we’re not a fan of our job, that what we’re doing is indeed service to others? This is the mindset we are to have until such time as we can perhaps discover a new more fulfilling way to serve – one that does bring us joy.
So you might say people are ungrateful for our service and that it will go unrecognized. You are right! People are often ungrateful and unkind and angry and full of blame and judgment. See suggestion #1 – To Be Kind! But this kindness has to start with us, and we must begin to see that what we do is so others don’t have to. If we can be kind in the process of giving our service, we can still feel fulfilled and perhaps provide kindness to those who do not yet know how to be kind themselves. It’s not easy sometimes, I know this personally. Just remember, be kind to those who serve you and be kind when rendering service to others.
I think the last thing we need to gain from this lesson is the most important aspect of all. It is that when we move into the space of service to others and truly seek to find how we can best serve humanity, then God or the Universal Source starts to support us and send things our way. He who can serve God is actually serving others and in that service, God then starts to serve us. This intent – when genuine – gets things coming our way and makes things happen that on our own we could never achieve. This is the notion of grace that is referred to in the lesson. But remember, we can’t do this with deceit in our heart: You can’t fool God!
Everyone is here to contribute to others in some way and as the lesson states this isn’t just a contribution to ourselves or our family. I believe that it is a part of our spiritual contract that we must give back to the world in which we are born into, and we will either do that through a J-O-B or else we can find that true purpose for which we are meant to serve. Now, this service we are meant to give may involve our job but then again it may not. For example, maybe we’re a volunteer at an organization and we serve in that capacity, or perhaps we create art or music and share that with the world. Ideally we’d like to be paid for these passions and gifts, and we may very well be able to do this, but then again perhaps not. This means that our J-O-B is a service to humanity as is our true gift of service that is based on our internal passions and joys. The J-O-B helps us to accomplish this more personal form of service, and as a result, we have to honor both – the job and the task, both provided from a place of service.
So how do we find our true service to others?
I believe this is also where we need to turn to our version of a Higher Power for answers and guidance. If we truly want to walk into the service and calling that we are here to perform (and which will bring us the most joy), we need to let ourselves be guided as well as be willing to follow. This is not always easy as we tend to believe that we know what is best. We tend to hang on to what our ego wants and desires more so than what the Divine wants for us. We believe that by following God’s path for us that maybe we’ll be asked to be pious or poor or soft or weak or whatever other preconceived ideas we might have for following the Divine’s will for us. Trusting Divine will is not a belief, it requires action and doing, and it takes great inner power to surrender one’s self to that Divine will – to believe that it will actually make us happier!
So just start to think about the values of this lesson. It may not pack the punch for you that it did for me, but it’s still full of important lessons.
1 – Be kind! Others are doing stuff for you so you don’t have to. Let them know that and show your gratitude.
2 – Even if the person giving you the service doesn’t see it as a service, you need to see it that way and thank them for it anyway. You are to still be kind! What they do deserves your respect no matter what they think about what they’re doing.
3 – Begin to see what you do as a service. Even if you don’t like what you do and dislike the way people treat you, serve them anyway. Come from a place of true service and others will see this, even if they are angry or unkind.
4 – If you desire to truly be of service and to find that purpose you were meant to fulfill, then turn to your Higher Power and start asking to be led in that direction. You may or may not get paid for your special form of service, especially right away, but you never know where that service will take you.
5 – Kindness and service to others ignites God’s grace, and we can all use some of that in our lives and in the world! It can open doors and create opportunities in a way that might surprise you. More service to others and the more God serves you – see how that works! How could anyone be unhappy with this type of arrangement?
So remember, start asking yourself what it is that you’re here to do so that others don’t have to! Until we as a society begin to truly shift into this mindset, we will always be seeking what we can get from others as opposed to what we can give. The secret however is that when we give, we start to receive!
Thanks for reading!
Blessings & Wellness,