This post is more of a general answer to why we are here on earth, but if you really look at these four things and ask yourself how they apply to you, then they may help you hone-in on what you are here to do with your life. They were...
Developing your mediumship skills takes time, patience, and practice. As you develop, there are some common pitfalls that you will want to avoid, and sometimes may even find are offered by mediumship development instructors. That’s not to say their advice is wrong, but it may not always be a good...
We often look at someone else and try to follow their “model,” hoping that it will work for us. There’s nothing wrong with learning from others, but the real power comes when we honor the phrase, “Do You!” Here are three key indicators that you may not be honoring your...
The Windbridge Institute and The Windbridge Research Center are two of my favorite organizations. They are related but the later is focused strictly on research, most especially that of mediumship. In the book Investigating Mediums, head researcher, Julie Beischel, PhD documented her findings and answered some very basic questions –...
Recently, I was the Medium for a Q&A Session with the late scientist, Nikola Tesla. During this session he expressed the concept of “information chunking.” In this post, I briefly explain what he meant by this interesting societal concept. “Information Chunking” is a process whereby important information is brought into...